Yes, finally. One of those kinds of doctors. THE NICE ONES. »»{o.O}«« **ears fuming**

Well, now that we're back on track... and not having any computer problems... It was a long visit today. The doctor/people down in Florida still haven't sent Mommy Spoon's test results to our clinic here. So today the doctor had to do a lot of those tests all over again. The doctors here have been very thorough. I have two weeks to go and they were making sure everything is going splendidly.
They did blood work, cancer testing, tests for something bad called preeclampsia and even checked inside to make sure I was pointing the correct direction. They put Mommy through the gamut. (What does gamut mean? Is it like a peanut or something?) Anyways, the people at the clinic like us! They wanted to make sure that everything goes perfect when I arrive! (And with Mommy gaining almost ten pounds since the visit last week, you can bet everyone wants me to arrive soon!)
So we had a fun time, but it was a long visit. Mommy took a nap after we got home. Daddy took good care of her the entire time. Like he always does. It makes me happy that Daddy loves Mommy so much. And I can tell Mommy loves Daddy as much too. Sometimes he takes her breath away! (Or that might be me. I am sitting on Mommy's lungs and ribcage now)
Our next doctor's visit is on Monday. Mommy has a homework assignment over the weekend, to help with the testing that the doctors did today. Depending on the tests, Monday may turn out to be a very interesting day for Mommy, Daddy and myself. Otherwise, the coast is smooth sailing. We will find out then.
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