One of the most difficult things for me with those types of nights is being the one who keeps Baby Spoon occupied. It wipes me out. I slept til after lunchtime today (when did I return to the sleep schedule that I had in college?) only to wake up to a crisis situation. Our poor Baby Spoon was fussy, fussy, fussy. Crying her poor head off while Mommy tried to nurse her.
Fortunately, we've learned that Baby Spoon only gets fussy like that while she needs her diaper changed. This time, Mommy clued me in because Babykins had peed on her. So, groggy as can be, I picked up our adorable little Spoon to change her. And oh man, did she need it. Her diaper was a cute, tiny double combo.
Unfortunately, in the middle of changing her diaper -as I'm putting the new diaper on- Babykins had another bowel movement. Which ruined the new diaper I hadn't even begun to put on her. Plus some of her changing pad cover. I couldn't believe it and said to Mommy Spoon, "You've got to be kidding me."
Now I have a poor, crying, fussy Baby Spoon on her pack-n-play changing pad with two soiled diapers and no new ones to put on her. And Mommy Spoon is watching the entire mess from her chair, unable to easily get up and help due to her surgery. So I closed the newly soiled diaper under Baby Spoon and rushed from our room to get some fresh diapers from Babykins' room.
None too soon, I returned with a handful of diapers to our room to a calmer Baby Spoon, who now was sucking on Mommy's thumb. The second soiled diaper was still waiting to be replaced with a fresh one when, to our disbelief, Babykins had another movement. All over everything. Or rather, running over everything. Her diaper, jam-jams and changing pad cover. Poor baby had a statement to make this morning, that's for sure. And it was a messy one.
You can believe me that by that point, Babykins wasn't the only one who had an accident. Mommy Spoon was laughing so hard at the entire mess that she made one of her own. She had to run out of the room because her full bladder had a statement to make also. Admitting this to me as she ran away, I laughed huge belly laughs at Mommy's predicament. Sadly Mommy has less control over herself now because of the surgery, but this was her first accident... couldn't have been at a more hilarious time. I changed Baby Spoon into a new diaper, while Mommy took care of herself. Yes, indeed, this is parenting at it's funniest. -Daddy Spoon
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