Friday, June 12, 2009

Birthdays are the Best

Hee hee hee, it was Daddy Spoon's birthday yesterday. We had a lot of fun celebrating his birthday. Mommy, Grandma and I gave Daddy a very nice gift -some new swim trunks. He can't wait to use them! The weather is nice too! :D

One of the other things that we did yesterday was shoot some studio photos for me! Here in the house! Daddy had wanted to do something pretty with the roses from around the house. So Mommy Spoon helped while Daddy took the photos. I think that Daddy and Mommy did a good job with me, don't you think?
Well, I think it's a safe thing to say that I'm one of Daddy's new favorite models. He is a good Daddy! I like how the rose petals are arranged too. I love my Daddy Spoon. He and Mommy take very good care of me! You can see more of the photos by visiting Daddy's blog here.

Last night we ended the day by watching the NBA Finals. Daddy Spoon is doing his best to get me excited about sports. We curled up in front of the TV to watch the Lakers win. The next game is on Sunday. I think I'm going to like this Daddy-Daughter time. Hee hee hee!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Superheroes and Birthdays

So our little Baby Spoon is dreaming of being a superhero. At least we think so. We often wonder what she dreams about as we watch her sleep. Most people's dreams are an amalgram of various things over their day -like mine a few day's ago after watching the Obama White House special on tv, I dreamt Joe Biden stopped by to change diapers for us. Yet for Babykins, who only sees light and shadow, what does she dream about? It's definitely something interesting to think about.

Onto the topic of birthdays, today is the first birthday Daddy Spoon gets to spend as a father. It's been a happy one so far. I got to cuddle with my wonderful Baby Spoon this morning -someone was being fussy. After a few minutes, she calmed down and started staring off into the corner. When I asked her what she saw, a tiny smile crept over her face. Then Baby Spoon proceeded to fill her diaper. Almost as if she was saying, "Happy Birthday, Dad. There's more where this came from. Just want you to feel included." Oh, don't I ever. :P -Daddy Spoon.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Cuteness can be Hazardous

Don't let this cute face fool you. 

The vendetta continues. With a vengeance.

Tonight Grandma Spoon and the three of us went to the Salish Lodge & Spa. We have had a lovely time, a fantastic dinner (crab, rabbit and prime rib among the three of us, with delicious desserts too) and took in the view of the waterfall. Which just happens to be directly outside our room. Walk onto the balcony and there it is, in all of it's raging glory.

Well, the waterfall has been a bad influence on our Baby Spoon. During her 9 PM feeding time our "Thunder from Down Under" proved exactly why we gave her that nickname. And, boy did she ever prove it. Mommy Spoon counted a total of at least four displays of Baby Spoon's wrath against her Winnie the Pooh diaper. Within ten minutes. On the same diaper.

The carnage was total devastation. Things looked so bad that I couldn't fix the damage with a mere wet wipe. We're talking big, messy and loud. From one side to the other. In all four directions. A whole box of wet wipes wouldn't have corrected the vengeful attack of our Babykins against poor Pooh bear. Poor Pooh bear.... oh, the irony.... (Hurricanes and tornadoes leave less of a mess than our "Thunder from Down Under")

Once again, Daddy Spoon stepped up for the rescue. I had to rush Babykins to the bathroom and run warm tap water to clean up her revenge against Tigger and Pooh. That was the most expedient means to solve the crisis and made me very glad that we hadn't gone out hiking or something. Could you imagine? Dealing with this out in the wilderness is not a pleasant thought. 

After a good ten-minute impromptu bath -with a giggling Mommy Spoon busy documenting my "Daddy of the Decade" efforts at cleaning up Babykins- the crisis was averted, the circle of life was restored, the four horsemen of the apocalypse were turned away and we had our smiling and lovable Baby Spoon back. 

But don't let that cute smile fool you. The vendetta will continue... -Daddy Spoon.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bath Time with Spoons

Another video! Even cuter than the last! :D

In this video, Baby Spoon and Mommy get some quality play time in the most unexpected of places: the bathtub. Daddy Spoon learns there is a steep price to pay for a clean Babykins. Enjoy!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Weight Training & Tummy Time

So it's a given that we have an adorable Baby Spoon. Right now she is laying on her play mat, listening to Mozart and being mesmerized by some dangling rings. Today at the pediatrician's office we learned that Babykins has surpassed her birth weight. She's 10 lbs. 1.5 oz. and we're very happy about that. The three-hour feeding schedule has worked. If our little Spoon keeps gaining weight like that her boy cousins need to watch out! She'll be bigger than them and they'll be the ones getting picked on by their girl cousin. Be warned boy cousins, be warned...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Inner Tubes and Outer Space

Hee hee hee, I'm an even bigger Baby Spoon today! Literally. The new diet that the good doctor put me on has helped me regain a lot of weight. Mommy Spoon says that I'm almost too big for her to carry. That makes me happy. I like being a big baby!
I also lost my umby cord. It fell off this morning while I was being a wiggly-squiggly bug. Mommy and Daddy just could not stop taking pictures of me. I feel like a model. :D Anyways, they tell me it will be an innie just like Mommy Spoon's but I think it may become an outie. We'll see. Either way, I now have a belly button!!!

Daddy Spoon likes to teach me the fine art of sticking out your tongue at people. I think I've learned this trick pretty well since the hospital!
And Mommy Spoon couldn't be more excited for my innie belly button. She says we can bond over this common ground and become new BFFs. (What is BFFs? Is that like BBQ? Help a Baby Spoon out here, I'm still learning these things...)
Does this pose make me a model Daddy? I think I've got that disinterested look down pretty well. We just need to work on my wardrobe. Hee hee hee. :D