Monday, May 4, 2009

Just another manic monday...

Well, the good news is that I get to stay happily snug where I am! Yay! Turns out today is just another manic Monday. The doctors decided that they don't want to induce labor -which is fine with me, because Mommy and I can have more bonding time. I like where I am. I have a womb all to myself! Hee hee hee. 
Mommy and Daddy Spoon are relieved that we all aren't being rushed into the delivery room today. The doctors want to see us again on Friday though. They aren't completely satisfied with the testing Mommy was put through last week. They are making sure that preeclampsia isn't something that Mommy and I are going through. So Mommy and Daddy's orders from the doctor are to stay active, walk and do what they can to help prep me for my arrival. Hopefully by Friday we'll all be in a better position for whatever may come. : )


  1. Oh! I am so glad that they are okay. Very good news!

  2. I am so glad the appointment went that way :) I am still praying for Mommy & Baby Spoon!!! Can't wait to meet her!!!
