Thursday, May 28, 2009
Charity Never Faileth
Wow. Talk about unexpected blessings. Earlier tonight, after waking from a late nap, Mommy Spoon called me outside because we had company visiting. Unexpected company, but the best kind. The Relief Society president and her husband had stopped by to say hello and deliver a collection of clothing and baby items gathered from among the sisters at church. Brother and Sister Hill graciously delivered four bags of baby clothing and a box of diapers into our possession. Mommy Spoon and I were very appreciative. The gift was an unanticipated blessing. It was so awesome, and a great example of Christianity at it's finest. We appreciate the Hills and their support.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Onslaught is here
So we want to remind all of Baby Spoon & the Spoon family's fans & friends that we have a Shutterfly account set up for more photos than what we can post here. Please feel free to check it as often as you like, I've included a link to the site on the left side bar of our blog. Thanks again to everyone for their love and support, it means so much to us! -Daddy Spoon
A Tiring Job
So it's been a week since I was born! Wow, how the time flies. Hee hee hee, I like it out here. Mommy and Daddy Spoon have been taking such good care of me. I'm glad I picked them to be my parents. I knew they would take good care of me. Mommy makes sure that I eat all of my food and that my face is clean when I finish. She is a good Mommy. Daddy stays up with me late at night and plays with me when everyone else is asleep. He is a good Daddy. I love, love, love them so much!
Every time I finish my fantastic lunches, I get very sleepy. Mommy calls it a "food coma" and has told me that I get that problem from Daddy. Daddy Spoon, you need to tell me why I get food comas. I can't be awake and cute for everyone while I'm sound asleep! »»{O.0}«« I guess I'll just have to find a way to be cute even when I'm tired. Hee hee hee!
Even Daddy gets tired. I think it's from all the late night play sessions with me. He's a good Daddy Spoon. Mommy does such a good Mommy job and she gets tired. So our Mommy Spoon needs her power naps and sleepy time as much as I do! Maybe even more. It's a good thing Daddy is around to play with so much! Hee hee hee, he's a scruffy Daddy too. I like finding ways for him to hold me and play with me. Being so cute and cuddly is a tiring job, but someone has to do it!

Monday, May 25, 2009
Parenting at it's Funniest

One of the most difficult things for me with those types of nights is being the one who keeps Baby Spoon occupied. It wipes me out. I slept til after lunchtime today (when did I return to the sleep schedule that I had in college?) only to wake up to a crisis situation. Our poor Baby Spoon was fussy, fussy, fussy. Crying her poor head off while Mommy tried to nurse her.
Fortunately, we've learned that Baby Spoon only gets fussy like that while she needs her diaper changed. This time, Mommy clued me in because Babykins had peed on her. So, groggy as can be, I picked up our adorable little Spoon to change her. And oh man, did she need it. Her diaper was a cute, tiny double combo.
Unfortunately, in the middle of changing her diaper -as I'm putting the new diaper on- Babykins had another bowel movement. Which ruined the new diaper I hadn't even begun to put on her. Plus some of her changing pad cover. I couldn't believe it and said to Mommy Spoon, "You've got to be kidding me."
Now I have a poor, crying, fussy Baby Spoon on her pack-n-play changing pad with two soiled diapers and no new ones to put on her. And Mommy Spoon is watching the entire mess from her chair, unable to easily get up and help due to her surgery. So I closed the newly soiled diaper under Baby Spoon and rushed from our room to get some fresh diapers from Babykins' room.
None too soon, I returned with a handful of diapers to our room to a calmer Baby Spoon, who now was sucking on Mommy's thumb. The second soiled diaper was still waiting to be replaced with a fresh one when, to our disbelief, Babykins had another movement. All over everything. Or rather, running over everything. Her diaper, jam-jams and changing pad cover. Poor baby had a statement to make this morning, that's for sure. And it was a messy one.
You can believe me that by that point, Babykins wasn't the only one who had an accident. Mommy Spoon was laughing so hard at the entire mess that she made one of her own. She had to run out of the room because her full bladder had a statement to make also. Admitting this to me as she ran away, I laughed huge belly laughs at Mommy's predicament. Sadly Mommy has less control over herself now because of the surgery, but this was her first accident... couldn't have been at a more hilarious time. I changed Baby Spoon into a new diaper, while Mommy took care of herself. Yes, indeed, this is parenting at it's funniest. -Daddy Spoon
Bath-time is a Wet Time
Yay! We gave Baby Spoon a bath earlier tonight, and it was so much easier than the one at the hospital. I don't quite know what we did right, but the entire time we were cleaning her Babykins was calm and docile. It made for a much easier effort at giving her a bath. We even used some washcloths and a hooded towel that one of Daddy Spoon's friends sent us. (Thanks again, K!) The inevitable happened though. 20 points to the person that can guess what Baby Spoon did to keep herself warm while Daddy had her in his lap to give her a sponge bath. Yep, indeed. Bath-time is a wet time. -Daddy Spoon
PS- We've posted more pics onto our Shutterfly. Enjoy!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sesame Street earns some street cred
We have so many pics to post! Plus funny stories to share. We're working on it. In the meantime, I found this and had to share it! Man, if only Sesame Street and had been like this growing up. I would've actually watched much more than I did... Enjoy! -Daddy Spoon
Bert and Ernie's Gangsta RapThursday, May 21, 2009
Exeunt mea familiae

Of course, we have better reasons for being parents. Like this adorable little Baby Spoon. She is so amazing. The way she developed in the womb was perfect, because she can already lift her head and she even tried crawling in her bassinet. Incredible, huh? It's like she wants to be 3 months old instead of 3 days.
Can I just say being a father is awesome? Thanks. Had to share that. Lol.
Understandably, we are excited to leave the hospital. It's been nice to relax and have the nurses help to take care of our Baby Spoon, but now is the time for us to do it on our own. Which we have confidence that we'll be successful in doing. Mommy Spoon and I are a good team. We've proven that between ourselves in the past, and now we can continue to apply that experience with our new family.
The final steps are being taken care of here at the hospital, and we have most of everything packed. We've spent the day receiving additional instructions and tips on how to encourage Baby Spoon to nurse. She can be a feisty one when she gets hungry, but we don't want her to stay hungry. So now that we know a few more tricks, our little Spoon will be on her way to becoming that giant baby that she (and we) wants to be. Plus she'll get to sleep in her own crib. I know us Spoons are excited about that!
Even I am looking forward to getting some sleep in a bed, and not a chair. Here's a cute photo of me passed out last night while trying to get our fussy gem calmed down for a midnight snack. Enjoy! -Daddy Spoon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Bragging Rights

Basic Math with Spoons
This is the first video of the Spoon family all together. Mommy Spoon and I waited many weeks and months for our precious gem Opal to enter the world. We couldn't be any more pleased than we are with her now.
And the math part? Well, it's very common knowledge that if you add two spoons together (1+1) you'll end up with three. -Daddy Spoon.
Mommy packs good lunches

Everytime I move, I see Daddy or Mommy following me with a camera. I wonder how many pictures they have taken of me. I don't know. They are having so much fun. Hee hee hee!
Daddy and Mommy Spoon are so pleased to see me! And hold me! They love me so much. I told them "thank you" for being my parents, hee hee hee.
I knew that they would take good care of me. I knew it. I love them too. We are a family of spoons, and spoons got to stick together.

I like sleeping too. Daddy Spoon wraps me up and I fall asleep. Very fast. Sometimes I'll make him work for it, and be very fussy. Hee hee hee, before we leave the hospital I'll have Daddy wrapped around my finger tighter than he can wrap my swaddling cloths!
This is a big, wide world. Much larger than my old womb. But I needed to get out and stretch my wings. How can I be the gem of my parent's lives if I'm not out there to be cute as can be?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Our little gem
So I know that a lot of people are waiting for the news on Baby Spoon's birth. Momma Spoon went into active labor Sunday, hitting some powerful contractions in the early afternoon. We had tried a relaxing bath to take her mind off of the contractions, but her water broke after the bath. We blame Daddy Spoon's friend Eric. He posted a SNL 'Celebrity Jeopardy' skit, and the laughter is probably what did Momma in. (But no worries, Eric. We won't send our people after you)
It was about 4 pm when we arrived at the hospital. I totally wanted to speed as fast as could be down the interstate, but decided that Baby Spoon's birth-story didn't need any police chases involved in it. (I would've let them follow me straight to the hospital though. No joke) We drove calmly and arrived with Grandma Spoon at the hospital, where we were taken to a nice delivery room while Grandma waited outside. Momma was already dilated at 7 cm when we arrived in the delivery room. So from there we began to play the waiting game for her to reach 10 cm and begin the hard part of active labor. (and yes, Momma Spoon did receive an epidural, which helped to slow things down and reduce her pain)
The active labor began after midnight, about 1:30 am. A nurse helped Mommy Spoon through the process over a period of four hours. When no progress was made, the nurse brought in our doctor and later the OBGYN on duty also arrived to assess the birth. The doctors both recommended a C-section for several reasons, a few of which that Baby Spoon's tiny little head was probably getting bruised and Mommy was running out of energy. After a private discussion, we agreed to go through with the surgery.
After the doctors wheeled Momma away for some anesthesia, I was brought in to one of the surgery rooms to help comfort Mommy Spoon while the doctors worked. It was eerie to watch. There were a few moments when I had to focus on Mommy, not the doctors, because I was getting queasy from seeing the surgery occur. (Something else that helped me out was having my camera in hand. I shot a ton of photos) At 7:13 am -on the same day as her Auntie Nadia's birthday- the doctors brought out our little gem. Ophelia Patricia Allison Leonhardt weighed 9.96 pounds, was 21 inches long, has blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. (She also has very healthy lungs. Her feisty temperament is best expressed by the healthy crying she does to voice her disapproval of any and most things that are cold. Takes after her mother with that one)
Between shooting pics of my new daughter, cutting off a piece of the remaining umbilical cord and comforting Mommy Spoon during the finishing parts of the surgery, the doctors were able to put Mommy back together. I got to hold my daughter for the 30 mins that the final part of the surgery took. (Win!) The entire delivery team was amazed at the size of our daughter, and the anesthesiologist thought she was the size of a toddler, not a newborn. Since the surgery was difficult and painful for Mommy Spoon, she was given a cocktail of at least 6 different painkillers. So we waited in a post-op recovery room after the surgery and delivery for most of them to pass through her system.
It took most of yesterday for those drugs to work through her system. After we recovered from the post-op, Mommy, Baby and I were moved to a new room to bond as a family. Grandma was finally able to meet her first grandchild, and both us tired parents were able to rest from the long night's effort. While the nurses made sure Mommy Spoon wasn't feeling any pain from the surgery, I had the heavy work of comforting Baby Spoon while she was fussy, changing diapers, notifying family about the fantastic news (my brother Matt who previously had had the heaviest baby -at 8.4 pounds- had a moment of jealousy when he heard about Opal's weight) and even washing her when bath time came around. Plus the horrible duty of taking photos. ; )
Today we have been resting and catching up on our sleep. (Kinda crazy how we felt after being awake for almost three days after a delivery like the one we had) Everyone in the extended Spoon family has been excited for us and amazed at our Baby Spoon. The doctors and nurses have been focusing on Mommy Spoon's recovery and helping Baby Spoon to nurse. Her blood sugar level was low yesterday, and we had to feed her some formula to boost the BSL -which made her picky about the lunch Mommy was packing. Since figuring out the trick, Baby Spoon has been very good about nursing. She also does a good job at making faces and filling her diapers for Daddy to change. (While holding her after changing a diaper, I felt something pop and thought she had immediately filled another. Her messy diapers are epic. So I ran to check her new diaper while Mommy laughed at me. It hurt her to laugh about that) WE COULDN'T BE HAPPIER. We are well pleased with our fantastic baby girl. Our gem. -Daddy Spoon

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Those three words
Well, it's time to say those three magical words everyone has been waiting to hear:
Off we go!!!
Wish us luck, keep a prayer going for us. -Daddy Spoon
The waiting game is the worst!
Well, everyone, Mommy Spoon is having contractions every 20-30 minutes at this point. It looks like we're going to go to the hospital sometime this afternoon. We've done about all we can think to do at this point. Being active, walking, relaxing, all of it. Now we face the waiting game.
I'd make another pop culture reference -or first-letter in the paragraph acronym- for this post, but right now I can't think of any. Try and find some of the acronyms I've already done, they're really fun to find. Well, I did make one for this post. It's my thoughts on reaching the finish line.
Now, though, is the time to get off this computer and take care of Mommy Spoon. Wish us luck, keep us in your prayers! -Daddy Spoon
Belly grins
One of the photos that I wanted to take very badly before Baby Spoon made her debut was a cute shot of me and the baby belly. I had seen it in a parenting magazine and really liked the image. After we finished our garage sale bargaining with Mommy Spoon's friend yesterday, she was nice enough to take a few pics for us.
Both Mommy Spoon and I have different takes on which of these two pics is better. I like the one above, her the one below. You can enjoy both!
Aha! I know that you're in there, little one. When will you come out to play games with Daddy Spoon?
Belly grins, Daddy grins, everyone grins. It sounds like a Dr. Suess book, lol.
Yes, we do have a great thing going on. And it will all become even greater after tomorrow!
Here they are! -Daddy Spoon

Daddy Spoon is a silly Daddy
Hee hee hee, I pulled a fast one on Daddy Spoon last night. Mommy Spoon was having some big contractions and both she and Daddy thought that I would make my debut last night. So Daddy stayed awake til 3 am waiting for Mommy to tell him that we would be going to the hospital. And that's where I got Daddy! Hee hee hee, Mommy and I were sleeping pretty good by then and Daddy stayed up for no real reason at all.
I'm such a stinker. Hee hee hee!
I'm such a stinker. Hee hee hee!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Tonight, tonight
Though one of my favorite songs -and I don't want to get anyone's hopes raised prematurely- tonight, tonight may be the night. Mommy Spoon is having some big contractions tonight. "The impossible is possible tonight," as the song goes...
Most definitely! We may become parents of a magical, wonderful Baby Spoon tonight. What a blessing indeed.
If so, we'll be posting pics after things calm down. If not, tomorrow I'll be posting some lovely pics taken earlier today. Either way, there will be photos! -Daddy Spoon
Exciting news!
We did some very exciting things today. Mommy Spoon had some contractions this morning. I don't know what those are about. It feels like someone is rocking the boat. I can't figure out what to do when that happens, but I'm sure I'll get some inspiration soon. I'm one smart cookie.
Another thing that we did this morning was to go with one of Mommy Spoon's friends on a huge garage sale hunt. It happens once a year in a very posh area of town. It is the place to go to find some good deals. And find good deals we did! Daddy Spoon bought a nice bike for $10, while he and Mommy found a brand-new pack-n-play for $35. We also got a play gym for cheap too. I'm decked out, folks! Stylin' and profilin' as Mommy Spoon says. Hee hee hee. Even Mommy Spoon's friend found some good deals. Everyone was happy.
If you ask me, I think Daddy Spoon is happier about the pack-n-play than the bicycle. He wants to take me camping now! Eeep! I don't know if I'll like that. Who knows though? It could be very cool. I'll have to find out for myself. Hee hee hee!
Tonight was an easy, relaxed night. I tried to be as well-behaved as possible. Mommy Spoon rewarded me with some ice cream from DQ. I like ice cream! MMMMMMMMM, tasty. But I do confess the only time I made a fuss was when Daddy and Mommy were kissing. I gave a polite little kick to remind them to cut out that nonsense. I can see it, ya know! Good behaviour can only last so long, gosh!
Another thing that we did this morning was to go with one of Mommy Spoon's friends on a huge garage sale hunt. It happens once a year in a very posh area of town. It is the place to go to find some good deals. And find good deals we did! Daddy Spoon bought a nice bike for $10, while he and Mommy found a brand-new pack-n-play for $35. We also got a play gym for cheap too. I'm decked out, folks! Stylin' and profilin' as Mommy Spoon says. Hee hee hee. Even Mommy Spoon's friend found some good deals. Everyone was happy.
If you ask me, I think Daddy Spoon is happier about the pack-n-play than the bicycle. He wants to take me camping now! Eeep! I don't know if I'll like that. Who knows though? It could be very cool. I'll have to find out for myself. Hee hee hee!
Tonight was an easy, relaxed night. I tried to be as well-behaved as possible. Mommy Spoon rewarded me with some ice cream from DQ. I like ice cream! MMMMMMMMM, tasty. But I do confess the only time I made a fuss was when Daddy and Mommy were kissing. I gave a polite little kick to remind them to cut out that nonsense. I can see it, ya know! Good behaviour can only last so long, gosh!
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Final Countdown
I'm amazed at how well we've done during the past 9 months. Mommy Spoon has held up wonderfully and been a very patient, kind and foxy mamacita during her pregnancy. The due date is today! And the day has come and gone. Which means that we're playing a whole new ballgame now. I can't decide what to do. Should I convince Baby Spoon to stay in there a few more days so that I can get a few more fabulous photos? Or do I persuade her to make a fantastic entrance to life -one that won't be forgotten? It's quite the conundrum.

Off to the Doctor's
So this week has come and gone without any news or arrival from our magical Baby Spoon. She seems content to stay where she is, her due date be darned. Today Mommy Spoon and I go to the doctor's for what should be our final check-up visit -though last week they said that they thought our Babykins would be born on Mother's Day weekend. We see how well that happened.
One of the things that Mommy and I think is that Baby may be content to stay put for at least another week. A woman that we spoke with the other day told us that she walked around for 3 weeks dilated at the point that Mommy is now. But the doctor's visit may erase all of that depending on how our visit goes. So we'll see. We may be introducing our Baby Spoon to the world this weekend. We'll keep everyone posted! -Daddy Spoon.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Wordle is the coolest. So is Daddy!
Daddy Spoon found the coolest thing tonight. He stumbled onto Wordle, which creates a cool photo of the words most used in a blog, paragraph or anything else. Here is the link to the wordle that Daddy created from our blog. Hee hee hee, Daddy Spoon is so smart!
Try your own Wordle. It's free, customizable and best of all it's fun!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day Photos!
Yesterday was a very good day. Daddy Spoon took some more pictures of Mommy Spoon. They love taking pictures, but I don't like it as much. The camera flash is too bright! I don't like it! I keep seeing spots, and I'm not talking about the puppy dog kind. Oh boy, I sure hope that I don't have to worry about those annoying camera flashes after I'm born.

Ooooh, Daddy Spoon got creative for Mother's Day! He wrote a note for me. I love my Mommy!!! She takes good care of me! Yes she does!!!

Look at Mommy! She loves the color pink. I wonder how much I will like that color. I think green is a much better color. But that's just me.

Mommy's belly is soooo big! I am one big Baby Spoon!

Hee hee hee, everyone loves me! Even my Mr. Giraffe! He sings to me and gives me kisses, just like Daddy Spoon does!

Grandma Spoon is here to give me some attention. It was Mother's Day, but is there a Grandma's Day?
Hee hee hee, it's the chiwoowoo. Killer Khan is used to being the focus of the house. He certainly stole the focus of the camera because Mommy and Grandma are blurry!
*Squeeee* it's Daddy Spoon! He's pointing at me, and I know he loves me! I love him too!
Hee hee, the picture says it all. I love my Mommy Spoon! We had a very nice Mother's Day, and I can't wait to be just as cute for Mommy Spoon next year!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Today is Mother's Day! It was such a nice day. Daddy Spoon brought Mommy and Grandma Spoon some flowers, a gift to all the mothers at church. So Daddy grabbed two tiny pansies. I'll skip any bad puns, thank you very much! Tomorrow they will be planted in the ground. They will look so pretty! Perhaps like these flowers someday!
One of the kitties tried eating some of the petals off of the flowers and attacked one. So the flowers were moved outside. Grandma Spoon made dinner tonight and it was very yummy. I am happily snug and content after dinner. I know that everyone wants me to come and introduce myself to the world, but I'm not ready yet. I'll be certain to make my appearance when the time is right! Hee hee hee, I sure know how to keep everyone in suspense!

Ballpoints and Thumbtacks
No news to report so far. Everyone -on both side of the Spoon family- is on pins and needles waiting for news and updates. I think we all feel that our Baby Spoon being born on Mother's Day would be a fantastic thing. We will see. Mommy and I have tried to persuade her about this, but the decision is up to our magical Baby Spoon.
On other news, since we've started the multi-media onslaught to welcome our Baby Spoon to the digital era we have set up another site specifically for photos. All of the wonderful pictures we've posted so far are there. The eventual goal is to teach Baby Spoon how to do all of this by herself someday. Blogging, uploading pictures, editing her own youtube videos, all of it. Only for now -since we're the ones doing this- you can read our blog and order pics from the other site. Visit us at http://thebabyspoon. and leave some love! Baby Spoon loves her fans! -Daddy Spoon
Friday, May 8, 2009
Chop Suey!
Oh, goodness! Daddy Spoon is so silly. He had to shave off his mutton chops the other day. So now he's showing off his karate chops.
Everyone is so silly. I think they are a bit loony waiting for me to arrive! Hee hee hee.

Hee hee hee, look at that. I could take him!
Eeep! Maybe not. (Don't say anything, but Daddy Spoon has stinky feet)
I think Daddy Spoon is silly. He doesn't know karate. Judo what I mean?

Here is a better picture of Daddy. I like watching him take the kitties for a walk. Except this way of walking them is much better than the other way.

All Quiet on the Western Front
Well, we are back from the doctor's visit for today. Things are progressing naturally, and smoothly according to them. That's fine by us, since we were worried that today would turn into an induced labor. The thought made the both of us very nervous. Fortunately that won't be the case. Mommy Spoon is just about ready to introduce Baby Spoon to the world. Perhaps as soon as this weekend!
Of all the possible days for our Baby Spoon to be born, it's probably gonna be on Mother's Day. How cool is that? XD -Daddy Spoon
Of all the possible days for our Baby Spoon to be born, it's probably gonna be on Mother's Day. How cool is that? XD -Daddy Spoon
S'more, s'more! Some more!
Hee hee hee, Mommy Spoon is so silly. I love her, but she is silly. After dinner tonight, she made s'mores for dessert and they were oh so tasty!!! But they were oh so melty too!!! Mommy tried to share them with me, but the s'mores dripped everywhere! On the chair, on her jeans, it was oh so silly. Grandma Spoon and Daddy Spoon both laughed with Mommy at how funny it was. And even more when Daddy suggested different ways to clean up the spilled melt chocolate. Until they were red in the face. Mommy couldn't laugh as much as they could. Something keeps her from having belly laughs, and I think it's me. (See me here? Don't Mommy and I look cute?) Hee hee.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Pictures for this week!
Sorry, everyone! This has been a busy week and I haven't been able to get Daddy Spoon to post new pictures of me. We shot some pics on Monday. Here they are! (Well, some of them. More to post tomorrow! Hee hee hee!!)
Mommy Spoon looks lovely. Daddy caught her glowing again. She is radiant and beautiful!
I think Mommy sees me! I know she can certainly see me kick and push around in there. Hee hee hee!

Daddy Spoon includes himself in the action. Hey! He's giving me a hug! *squeeee!* We love each other soooo much! I can't wait to be held by my Mommy and Daddy!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Just another manic monday...
Well, the good news is that I get to stay happily snug where I am! Yay! Turns out today is just another manic Monday. The doctors decided that they don't want to induce labor -which is fine with me, because Mommy and I can have more bonding time. I like where I am. I have a womb all to myself! Hee hee hee.
Mommy and Daddy Spoon are relieved that we all aren't being rushed into the delivery room today. The doctors want to see us again on Friday though. They aren't completely satisfied with the testing Mommy was put through last week. They are making sure that preeclampsia isn't something that Mommy and I are going through. So Mommy and Daddy's orders from the doctor are to stay active, walk and do what they can to help prep me for my arrival. Hopefully by Friday we'll all be in a better position for whatever may come. : )
A Case of the Mondays
May the Fourth be with you. It's the new Ides of March.
Well, today may become a very interesting day. We go in for another doctor's visit this morning. Mommy Spoon's blood pressure has been high lately and the doctors aren't very happy about that. They are worried it's a sign of preeclampsia. This isn't a good thing. The condition can be fatal to either mother or the child in utero. Or both. It only occurs with pregnant and post-partum women and the only way to cure it is by inducing labor.
Which -if that needs to happen- means that we'll be celebrating Baby Spoon's arrival much sooner. Though we aren't too worried. Our Spoon is close enough to the due date that we are secure in having her born now if necessary. This baby ought to be big enough in weight that she'll be fine. Besides... who wouldn't enjoy celebrating their child's birthday on Cinco de Mayo? Keep your prayers with us. -Daddy Spoon
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Mamacita... (what does that mean?)
Mommy and Daddy Spoon took some more pictures of me yesterday. We're getting closer and closer to celebrating my arrival in person, so they went to a nice park yesterday to take advantage of the wonderful weather.
Oooh, look! Mommy is so beautiful, she glows! (Daddy says she is so heavenly, it's hard to see her through all the clouds. Mommy Spoon always rolls her eyes when he says things like that)
Mommy Spoon really likes this picture. Daddy says she is a gorgeous and elegant lady. The photos prove it!
Oh, hee hee hee, something funny happened while we were taking pics near the cherry blossom tree. Another couple (a cowboy and his girl) walked near us, but stopped on the bridge to kiss for a long time.
After a nice walk along the waterfront, Mommy Spoon stopped to strike a thoughtful pose. I wonder if she's daydreaming about me or her sexy man that's taking all these lovely pictures of her!
The three of us had a great time. It was a lot of fun and very relaxing. We even drove by a zoo that I will get to visit someday. I can't wait! Daddy Spoon took some nice pictures of the animals at the park we went to. Here they are for you to see!
There were a lot of birds there. I couldn't feed any though. We didn't have any birdseed. Too bad... maybe next time.
And this is where we saw a Cullen. Daddy says that they are very fast, hard to photograph and shimmer in the sunlight.
Wait. Mommy glows! And in the sunlight! Is she a Cullen too? (Daddy said no. Mommy Spoon is not a Cullen. Mommy is a hottie, according to Daddy. Oh. Ok. If Daddy says so then it is a fact)
Rawr! Look out people. Mamacita in action! (What does mamacita even mean? I don't speak the Spanish language. Just the Cute one)

I had to cover my eyes.
When they passed by, looking at me Daddy Spoon said to Mommy, "Look what they have to look forward to in a few months." Immediately after that another lady passed by with her new baby, pushing the lil guy in a stroller. Without missing a beat, Daddy said, "And that's what we have to look forward to in a few months!" The woman heard Daddy, then stopped and asked Mommy Spoon when I was due. It was very funny!
After that park, we went to a beach. It was near the mountains. Hee hee hee, see? Look, it's Mt. Rainier in the background! I'm bigger though! I've grown a lot this week!

Friday, May 1, 2009
Again, again... again?
We went to the doctors again today! No, silly, not that doctor. He's too cranky.
What?! No!! Not that one either. What kind of health care service do you think goes on around here?!? This isn't Florida, you know!

Yes, finally. One of those kinds of doctors. THE NICE ONES. »»{o.O}«« **ears fuming**

Well, now that we're back on track... and not having any computer problems... It was a long visit today. The doctor/people down in Florida still haven't sent Mommy Spoon's test results to our clinic here. So today the doctor had to do a lot of those tests all over again. The doctors here have been very thorough. I have two weeks to go and they were making sure everything is going splendidly.
They did blood work, cancer testing, tests for something bad called preeclampsia and even checked inside to make sure I was pointing the correct direction. They put Mommy through the gamut. (What does gamut mean? Is it like a peanut or something?) Anyways, the people at the clinic like us! They wanted to make sure that everything goes perfect when I arrive! (And with Mommy gaining almost ten pounds since the visit last week, you can bet everyone wants me to arrive soon!)
So we had a fun time, but it was a long visit. Mommy took a nap after we got home. Daddy took good care of her the entire time. Like he always does. It makes me happy that Daddy loves Mommy so much. And I can tell Mommy loves Daddy as much too. Sometimes he takes her breath away! (Or that might be me. I am sitting on Mommy's lungs and ribcage now)
Our next doctor's visit is on Monday. Mommy has a homework assignment over the weekend, to help with the testing that the doctors did today. Depending on the tests, Monday may turn out to be a very interesting day for Mommy, Daddy and myself. Otherwise, the coast is smooth sailing. We will find out then.
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