I have a baby bed! And a dresser! Gramma Spoon found a fantastic deal on a lifetime convertible bed and dresser set, so Daddy Spoon put the bed together a few days ago. We've been very, very busy this week -which is why I haven't been able to get Daddy to
post any pics until now.
Here are some pics so you can see Mommy Spoon put Daddy Spoon to work, so he can build my crib for me! (
MTV has nothing on me)
See how big the box is?! It's almost as big as Daddy!

Mommy and I aren't too sure what to do in this empty box. We just don't know!

Mommy Spoon likes what she sees! This is going to be one cool crib!

Daddy Spoon hard at work. Putting together my crib for me! I love my Daddy Spoon! He takes good care of me!

Daddy Spoon is angling for a better way to attach the final piece to my crib. This one was a problem because the metal piece was slightly bent out of place. But Daddy fixed it. He's a smart Daddy Spoon.

Mommy Spoon and I are happy with the new crib!

Daddy is happy too!

We are all happy with the crib and dresser! I am stylin' and profilin' today! (And kisses from Daddy Spoon are never a bad thing either)

So those are some of our fun, fun, fun photos! (I think Mommy and Daddy like taking pictures of me maybe a little too much) I am happy with my bed and dresser. I'm sure that Mommy Spoon and I will be getting many nice things at the baby shower today to go in the bed and dresser that Daddy put together. Oooh, so exciting! I can't wait!!

And I love Mommy too! Yep, yep, yep! : )
Daddy Spoon's kiss after putting together the crib and dresser is very sweet ~ like saying, I would do anything for you, Baby Spoon.