Today was a very, very fun day! I did all kinds of fun things. This morning I got to go play with our neighbors across the street while Mommy and Daddy were at work. I had too much fun! I crawled everywhere and saw everything! Daddy Spoon picked me up in time for my nap. I had a nice nap.
After that, I got to play outside with Daddy! Hee hee hee, it was the best! I crawled all over the yard and earned a lot of grass stains. I even found pine cones! And dandelions! Daddy says I'm good at pulling the heads off the dandelions. I just wish he wouldn't take them away from me because I keep trying to eat them. They look tasty!
It was windy today too. A blustery day and the sun was out. Daddy took some pictures with his phone of us playing. See how much fun we had? I love playing. Especially when I can play with Mommy or Daddy Spoon. They make it so much fun! Yay!

After play time, I took a bath because I made a mess outside and inside during dinner. Daddy Spoon put me on the trainer potty while he filled the tub with water so I made potty while I waited. I'm such a big girl! Daddy and Mommy are always happy when I do big girl things like that. Hee hee hee, I do too!
And so the best part about bath time was when Mommy Spoon came home at the right moment to see me splash around in the tub! It was fun. Mommy makes sure bath time is the best time. I like it when Mommy helps me play in the tub. I love bath time. I had a fun day full of grass stains and big girl moments. Yay! I'm going to sleep well tonight, that's for sure!