The Spoon family could hardly contain themselves tonight! Our plans for the evening were to go see the Christmas lights at a nearby park -tonight was the one night the public can walk through the park, every other night the park is a drive-through experience only.
The fun increased this afternoon when snow began to fall. So after bundling up for our excursion, we made it to the park and had a load of fun. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves! -Daddy Spoon
Look at how excited Baby Spoon is because of the snow! After a few attempts at removing her mittens, we improvised with a clever way to keep our Baby Spoon's hands warm. A lot of the lights were very lovely. We had a great time! Plus we'll you spare the fussy details about a tired Babykins towards the end of our trip. :D
I heard this year Santa is trying a few new catchphrases. Like, "Arrrrr!"
Mommy and Daddy Spoon have registered our Baby Spoon at Babies"R"Us. You can click here and browse for a gift. If you already have, we are very grateful for your love and support!
Our little gem at birth
"That's not a baby, that's a toddler!" -the anesthesiologist's reaction
The story behind the spoon nicknames is that early on while we were dating, Momma & I began to call each other "big spoon" and "little spoon" because we were such a perfect fit for each other -like two spoons stacked next to one another. When we learned about the fantastic baby news -and me, wanting to keep the baby's gender a surprise- it was a natural progression to call each other by new nicknames: "Daddy Spoon," "Mommy Spoon" and even "Baby Spoon." So that is the story behind the spoon nicknames, and we'll be sure to keep updating as time goes on.
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