The past few mornings, Baby Spoon has started to do something new. Whereas we usually spend 30 mins reading books together after she has woken up, Punkins has a new thing that she does instead. What we've been doing now is read books for about 10 mins and then I spend close to 20 minutes helping her to try on all of her shoes. Over her pajamas. It's so silly, but then again I am Papa to a darling little girl. So it's official. Baby Spoon has begun her obsession with shoes. I would hope this to be a temporary phase -I'd rather she read books over anything else- but I know it will only get worse when she becomes older. -Daddy Spoon.
There's nothing wrong with wanting both. :) I love shoes and books! It's amazing how fast kids grow up. She seems so adorable and fun to be around!