Today we spent the day splitting firewood. It was fun! All of us Spoons -Daddy, Mommy, Grandma and me!- were busy and hard at work. Hee hee hee, I got to supervise everything. You can call me "Supervisor Opal." I'm glad to say that everyone's efforts met my approval. I didn't have to "fire" anyone. Hee hee hee. Get it? I'm so clever with wordplay. Right now we're taking a break to eat lunch and rest. Daddy made his famous
garlic chicken hummus wraps for lunch, and I had a bottle to eat. Mmmm, yum! Soon we'll go back outside and take care of the rest of the wood. Someday I'll be big enough to help and get involved! Just you wait. I'll be walking before you know it! I can't wait!

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