Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Who is this guy?
Yay, Daddy's head is still here! He cut off his hair yesterday and it didn't float away. I was asleep when he did it, so I had no idea who the guy that sounded and kinda looked like my Daddy was. It took me awhile, but I realized it was him. Especially when I saw his ponytail in a baggie. Daddy is going to donate it to charity. Yay! Now I have a new Daddy Spoon to play with. Hee hee hee, it will be so much more fun. I can't wait to find new ways to "get" Daddy, since pulling his hair isn't an option anymore. Hmmm, what can I do now? Well I can always still tag his shirts with spit-up...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Baby Spoon School of Fashion Critique
Sometimes I wonder if I should be amused in the manner that my daughter critiques the t-shirts I wear. Each day, I go through several of them. Not by my design, but hers. It boils down to one reason: spit-up. My left shoulder is going to reek of baby vomit for the next decade, I fear. Yet there is a silver lining to this cloud. I think I've figured out my aspiring fashion elitist daughter's method to convincing me that the shirt I have on is not up to her standards. It's simple, really. If I'm wearing a shirt that she doesn't like, she vomits on it. So I think the only way to determine which shirts are approved by the "Baby Spoon School of Fashion Critique" is by applying the scientific method and catalog the shirts that escape the punkin ba-bunkin hazing. Armed with a list of what shirts are approved, I should be safe of the fashion wrath of my adorable little critic. That's the working theory for right now, at least. Wish me luck! -Daddy Spoon.
Pool Time and Candy Canes
I Have had such a fun week! Hee hee hee, Mommy and Daddy Spoon are the best. They take such good care of me.
We went to the pool the other day! It was a lot of fun. I got to practice my floating and kicking. I kinda like this swimming thing. It's especially fun when Daddy and I play tag with Mommy. Hee hee hee, I tried my best -and Daddy helped- to stay away from Mommy but she kept getting me! I'll have to work on that "running away" thing Mommy was talking about. But oh, we had so much fun. We were all giggling and having a great time.
It was so funny last night. Since I'm too big for some of my clothes, Mommy picked out a new pair of jam-jams for me to sleep in and you know what? I looked like a big candy cane! Hee hee hee, I was the cutest candy cane ever. You better believe it. When Daddy Spoon brought me out into the living room everyone agreed that I was such a cute candy cane. I like being the cute one.
Now today is the day that Daddy Spoon is going to cut his hair. All off! All of it! Daddy says that he wants to have it turned into a wig for me since I'm so big. Mommy thinks that is silly. Me? I don't know what to think! Daddy Spoon will look so different! Will he be the same Daddy if he looks different? What if he gets replaced with a pod person? How will I know? Or what if his head gets so light from not having any hair that it floats away like a balloon? What will I do? What will Mommy do? I hope we don't have to chase down Daddy's head when it floats away... Oh, I sure hope his head stays put where it is supposed to be.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Three Months and Loving It!
So our Baby Spoon hit the 3-month mark today. What a milestone! (haha, I wonder what I'll be saying at 6 months) It does seem like such a long time ago that we welcomed her into our lives. We've been loving every moment since. Mommy Spoon learned today that our little gemstone is already big enough to start wearing 9 month-old clothing. Can you believe that?!? At three months. I definitely called it last month after her 2-month check-up that our Babykins is an overachiever. At this rate, she'll be chasing the cats around the house in 3-4 months.. Hahah, we'll see! -Daddy Spoon

Friday, August 14, 2009
Fingers and Colors
Yay! I've been discovering fingers and colors lately. I'm happy for that. It means that I am going to be a big girl. Hee hee hee, I am a big girl already! Mommy and Daddy Spoon had to upgrade me to 6 month-old clothing this past week, plus upgrade my diapers to stage 3. I'm just too big for the smaller stuff! I'm happily growing and having a great time doing it!
Part of the fun of getting bigger is discovering things. I was at the store with Mommy and Grandma Spoon the other day and they put me in a red shopping cart. How do I know it was red? Well, I'm not sure. I don't know what colors are what yet. But I could see the color red on that shopping cart. It was one of the most mesmerizing things ever. I couldn't stop looking at it! I love the color red now. :D
Playing with Mommy and Daddy is even more fun now too, because I've discovered my fingers. I like putting them in my mouth. Especially my thumb. Everytime I do that, Mommy or Daddy scramble to find a pacifier for me. I don't understand why they keep switching my thumb for the pacifier. I have my thumb right here with me, the pacifier always becomes an archaeological expedition to uncover wherever I left it last. (You think they would get the hint eventually)
Anyways, I have my own ideas about what to do with those pesky pacifiers.
Hee hee hee! See? :D

Friday, August 7, 2009
Preparing for Winter
Today we spent the day splitting firewood. It was fun! All of us Spoons -Daddy, Mommy, Grandma and me!- were busy and hard at work. Hee hee hee, I got to supervise everything. You can call me "Supervisor Opal." I'm glad to say that everyone's efforts met my approval. I didn't have to "fire" anyone. Hee hee hee. Get it? I'm so clever with wordplay. Right now we're taking a break to eat lunch and rest. Daddy made his famous garlic chicken hummus wraps for lunch, and I had a bottle to eat. Mmmm, yum! Soon we'll go back outside and take care of the rest of the wood. Someday I'll be big enough to help and get involved! Just you wait. I'll be walking before you know it! I can't wait!

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