This is for Auntie Em. And Grant and Sarah. Because, as they say, babies are like rabies: contagious!!!
Hee hee hee, Mommy Spoon was even able to get a picture of the Babykins "foaming at the mouth." She's only blowing bubbles. It's one of the new things she does when she's happy. Our little Baby Spoon makes the cutest faces. :D -Daddy Spoon
Mommy and Daddy Spoon have registered our Baby Spoon at Babies"R"Us. You can click here and browse for a gift. If you already have, we are very grateful for your love and support!
Our little gem at birth
"That's not a baby, that's a toddler!" -the anesthesiologist's reaction
The story behind the spoon nicknames is that early on while we were dating, Momma & I began to call each other "big spoon" and "little spoon" because we were such a perfect fit for each other -like two spoons stacked next to one another. When we learned about the fantastic baby news -and me, wanting to keep the baby's gender a surprise- it was a natural progression to call each other by new nicknames: "Daddy Spoon," "Mommy Spoon" and even "Baby Spoon." So that is the story behind the spoon nicknames, and we'll be sure to keep updating as time goes on.
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