Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Chillin Out in the 103º
Wowie!!! Today was a hot day. It reached over 100º this afternoon. The recorded high was 103º and so Mommy Spoon decided to take me swimming. Here is a quick video of me enjoying some pool time. Whee hee hee! I love swimming and pool time. It's almost as much fun as bath time. Next time I'll have to go swimming with Daddy Spoon. It will be too much fun!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
This is for Auntie Em. And Grant and Sarah. Because, as they say, babies are like rabies: contagious!!!
Hee hee hee, Mommy Spoon was even able to get a picture of the Babykins "foaming at the mouth." She's only blowing bubbles. It's one of the new things she does when she's happy. Our little Baby Spoon makes the cutest faces. :D -Daddy Spoon

So Daddy Spoon has been playing with me today. We played outside, took a look at our garden, and did some tummy time! I like playing with Daddy Spoon. He makes the best faces. He always knows how to make me smile -and I like smiling for my Daddy!
Daddy even shot a video of me in my swing. I like spending time in there. It's comfy and plays nice music and noises for me to relax to. I even fall asleep in it! A lot! Though I didn't fall asleep in my swing during the video. Nope, nope, nope. I had a performance to make for my Nonna and Grandpa back in Kentucky. Take a look:
Hee hee hee. I like playtime with Daddy Spoon. But not as much as with Mommy! Hee hee hee! She's the best. I like playing with her too!
Daddy even shot a video of me in my swing. I like spending time in there. It's comfy and plays nice music and noises for me to relax to. I even fall asleep in it! A lot! Though I didn't fall asleep in my swing during the video. Nope, nope, nope. I had a performance to make for my Nonna and Grandpa back in Kentucky. Take a look:
Hee hee hee. I like playtime with Daddy Spoon. But not as much as with Mommy! Hee hee hee! She's the best. I like playing with her too!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Hit Me with Your Best Shot
Ooooh, Barracuda! Ok, I know I'm mixing classic rock hits by different bands, but our feisty little Spoon has done it again. She's been quite the busy little girl today. Four wardrobe changes, two for Mommy Spoon, one for Daddy. I guess you could say that this day is just one of those kind of days. See for yourself:

The Vengeance Continues
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My Two Month Check Up
I am a big girl! Hee hee hee. I went in for my two month checkup today. Hee hee hee, I proved to Mommy and Daddy Spoon that I'm an ambitious little Babykins. I weigh 14 pounds now! Plus half an ounce. I'm also 2 feet and a quarter inch tall! Yes indeed I am a big girl!
These new stats put me in the 90th-96th percentile for babies my age. I'm not sure what that means, but Mommy and Daddy are sure happy about it. Our doctor is too. He says that I'll be a tall Spoon when I get older. Apparently, babies grow into their head circumference. My big noggin is what makes him think I'll be 5'11" or so when I'm older. Hee hee hee, I have no problem with that. Nope, nope.
Daddy Spoon and Mommy Spoon took a lot of pictures and even some video while I was there. You can see all of it below. I didn't know why at first. But I was having a good time. Working my legs with Daddy and being a wiggly-squiggly bug. But then I got my shots! Ouch, ouch, owie! The nurse stuck me in the legs! Three times! Owie! It hurt, and I cried. But Daddy was there to hold me and make me feel better. Then I got my first band-aids. Mommy put a bottle together for me too. And I know better than to complain when food is around!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Worth Making Faces About
Well I've been having tons of time with Mommy Spoon but I haven't seen my Dadd-E lately. He's been busy working on a remote project with another photographer down in Miami. I don't understand this technology stuff. I can't even figure out how I manage to post these blog entries. I guess that's why Mommy and Daddy Spoon tell everyone that I'm a smart baby!
So Daddy has been putting in long hours this week. I can't wait to play with him again, I have been saving my best faces (and dirty diapers) for when Daddy Spoon gets finished with this project. Hee hee hee! It's definitely something to make faces about!

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Not About the Drama
Hee hee hee, Mommy Spoon is silly. She says that I'm a drooling queen. Not a drama queen. I just want to figure out this whole teething thing. I don't want to be all drooly. It's bad for my image! And I can't have that, because I'm not about the drama. I like being a happy Baby Spoon.
Today is the day that I am two months old! Yay! I am a big Baby Spoon. Daddy Spoon thinks that I weigh 13 pounds already. I don't know, but my clothes are getting too tiny for me! Mommy is already putting me into clothing for a 6-month old! Watch out, people! I'm gonna take over the world with my cuteness.
Here I am playing on Daddy Spoon's tummy. Sometimes we have tummy time together. Daddy will put me on his belly, and I'll wiggle and squiggle all over the place. I wonder if that is why Mommy and Daddy call me a Wiggly-Squiggly Bug? I guess it is.

Today was a busy day for me. I was a very social Baby Spoon. I went to two birthday parties! One for my Auntie Jeanette and the other for Mommy and Daddy's friend Grant. The parties were fun! They were outside, and I got to meet a lot of people and watch the leaves blow in the trees from the wind. Plus I was universally adored by everyone. I do steal the show, because that is what this Baby Spoon does best!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Fourth is with us
Yesterday was a fantastic holiday. We went to visit relatives on Mommy Spoon's side of the family. There was a lot of good food, fun games and great fireworks. Sadly, we missed the extended Spoon family in Kentucky and wish we could have spent part of the day with them too. To make up for that, we shot a lot of video yesterday. So here they are! The Spoon family celebrating Independence Day. And yes, the Fourth was with us. -Daddy Spoon
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Birthday United States!
Yay! Today is the birthday of the United States! I am so excited. I don't get to celebrate too many birthdays for countries, ya know. So today Mommy Spoon dressed me in a new outfit that our neighbors, the Mantzkes, gave us the other day. It is very patriotic. Daddy Spoon could not resist setting up a photo shoot with me. I think he likes taking pictures of me, don't you? Hee hee hee, I love my Daddy and Mommy Spoon. They take good care of me. So I don't mind giving them great photos like this one.
Happy birthday, United States! I'm off to go celebrate the holiday with relatives. Watch me steal the spotlight! Hee hee hee! You know I will!

Friday, July 3, 2009
Zombie Apocalypse a No-Go
Sadly, we didn't make it to the Zombie Walk tonight. I personally was excited for the trip, but we were delayed by a hungry baby and we weren't able to go. Our little Baby Spoon has been on a feeding frenzy the past few days. Instead of every three hours, she's been hungry every two. We suspect that she is going through her 6-week growth spurt. She's certainly heavy enough for it! Babykins is weighing in at 12 lbs. and advancing on to her cousin Max's weight of 16 pounds. Look out Max, you've got some competition and her name is Ophelia!!! -Daddy Spoon

Attaq of teh Zombehs
Hee hee hee, tonight Daddy and Mommy Spoon are going to take me up to Fremont for a zombie walk. I don't know what a zombie is, but I bet I'll be the cutest one there! Daddy and Mommy will be my zombie entourage. We'll have a legion of fans. Who can resist my zombie cuteness?
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