Thursday, June 11, 2009

Superheroes and Birthdays

So our little Baby Spoon is dreaming of being a superhero. At least we think so. We often wonder what she dreams about as we watch her sleep. Most people's dreams are an amalgram of various things over their day -like mine a few day's ago after watching the Obama White House special on tv, I dreamt Joe Biden stopped by to change diapers for us. Yet for Babykins, who only sees light and shadow, what does she dream about? It's definitely something interesting to think about.

Onto the topic of birthdays, today is the first birthday Daddy Spoon gets to spend as a father. It's been a happy one so far. I got to cuddle with my wonderful Baby Spoon this morning -someone was being fussy. After a few minutes, she calmed down and started staring off into the corner. When I asked her what she saw, a tiny smile crept over her face. Then Baby Spoon proceeded to fill her diaper. Almost as if she was saying, "Happy Birthday, Dad. There's more where this came from. Just want you to feel included." Oh, don't I ever. :P -Daddy Spoon.

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