Last night the Spoon family participated in a gingerbread house design get together. We went to cousin Cheryl's house and had a great time. There were a total of five gingerbread houses, but Mommy Spoon's gingerbread house was the only one that featured us, your adorable Spoon family! Mommy Spoon worked hard on her house, and it looks fantastic. :D
We are excited to have a gingerbread house to decorate our home for the holidays. It's one more wonderful thing that helps add to the holiday spirit! -Daddy Spoon.
(P.S. -Don't worry, no redheads were harmed in the making of the gingerbread houses)
The Spoon family could hardly contain themselves tonight! Our plans for the evening were to go see the Christmas lights at a nearby park -tonight was the one night the public can walk through the park, every other night the park is a drive-through experience only.
The fun increased this afternoon when snow began to fall. So after bundling up for our excursion, we made it to the park and had a load of fun. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves! -Daddy Spoon
Look at how excited Baby Spoon is because of the snow! After a few attempts at removing her mittens, we improvised with a clever way to keep our Baby Spoon's hands warm. A lot of the lights were very lovely. We had a great time! Plus we'll you spare the fussy details about a tired Babykins towards the end of our trip. :D
I heard this year Santa is trying a few new catchphrases. Like, "Arrrrr!"
Mommy and Daddy Spoon have registered our Baby Spoon at Babies"R"Us. You can click here and browse for a gift. If you already have, we are very grateful for your love and support!
Our little gem at birth
"That's not a baby, that's a toddler!" -the anesthesiologist's reaction
The story behind the spoon nicknames is that early on while we were dating, Momma & I began to call each other "big spoon" and "little spoon" because we were such a perfect fit for each other -like two spoons stacked next to one another. When we learned about the fantastic baby news -and me, wanting to keep the baby's gender a surprise- it was a natural progression to call each other by new nicknames: "Daddy Spoon," "Mommy Spoon" and even "Baby Spoon." So that is the story behind the spoon nicknames, and we'll be sure to keep updating as time goes on.